Written By Bryman, Alan and Cramer, Duncan
1996, Edition 1
Category: Behavioral/Social Sciences
Level: Intermediate
Routledge Press
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About This Book
Quantitative data analysis is now a compulsory component of most degree courses in the social sciences and students are increasingly reliant on computers for the analysis of data.
Students will learn a wide range of quantitative data analysis techniques and become familiar with how these techniques can be implemented through the latest version of Minitab. Techniques covered include univariate analysis (with frequency table, dispersion and histograms), bivariate (with contingency tables correlation, analysis of varience and non-parametric tests) and multivariate analysis (with multiple regression, path analysis, covarience and factor analysis). In addition the book covers issues such as sampling, statistical significance, conceptualisation and measurement and the selection of appropriate tests. Each chapter concludes with a set of exercises.
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