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Estadística para las ciencias agropecuarias

Written By Palacios Espinosa, Alejandro
2009, Edition 1
Category: Biological Sciences
Level: Introductory

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Kilometro 5.5
Carretera al Sur
Colonia el Calandrio
La Paz, B.C.S, Mexico
URL: http://biblio.uabcs.mx/

About This Book

Author's Note: The book Estadística para las Ciencias Agropecuarias is written for students and for those who are involved in the study of farming sciences. It is a basic level book that explains how to organize, summarize and analyze to interpretate a data set. That means, it includes the descriptive statistic, slight knowledge of probability, distributions, distributions samples, tests of hypothesis and intervals of confidence, distribution of T, distribution of square Chi, Distribution of F, Correlation and simple and multiple linear regression. All these subjects are developed through applied examples to farming sciences in which it is explained how to use Minitab in each one of the analysis

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