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Applied Statistical Designs for the Researcher

Written By Paulson, Daryl S.
2003, Edition 1
Category: Biological Sciences
Level: Intermediate

CRC Press
2000 N.W. Corporate Blvd.
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
United States of America
URL: http://crcpress.com
Phone: 800-272-7737

About This Book

Showcasing a discussion of the experimental process and a review of basic statistics, this volume provides methodologies to identify general data distribution, skewness, and outliers. It features a unique classification of the nonparametric analogs of their parametric counterparts according to the strength of the collected data. Applied Statistical Designs for the Researcher discusses three varieties of the Student t test, including a comparison of two different groups with different variances; two groups with the same variance; and a matched, paired group. It introduces the analysis of variance and Latin Square designs and presents screening approaches to comparing two factors and their interactions.

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