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Managing Service Delivery Processes

Written By Harvey, Jean
2006, Edition 1
Category: Business
Level: Introductory

ASQ Quality Press
PO Box 3005
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201
United States of America
URL: http://qualitypress.asq.org/
Phone: 800-248-1946

About This Book

The quest for value drives customer behavior in the services marketplace. This book focuses on complex service processes, and is written for professionals, semi-professionals, and technical workers laboring in all spheres, from law to medicine, and accounting to engineering. It draws its theory and examples from these professional services and many more, with hands-on end-of-chapter exercises on all topics. A framework is presented for understanding how a set of shared fundamental beliefs drives the best-in-class professional service organizations in their learning, which is the source of sustained competitive advantage. Products and processes can be imitated or copied, but learning faster than your competition cannot.

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