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Statistics for Business and Financial Economics

Written By Lee, Cheng-Few; Lee, John and Lee, Alice
2013, Edition 3
Category: Business
Level: Advanced

Springer Science & Business Media, Inc
United States of America
URL: http://www.springer.com

About This Book

Statistics for Business and Financial Economics, is the definitive Business Statistics book to use Finance, Economics, and Accounting data throughout the entire book. Therefore, this book gives students an understanding of how to apply the methodology of statistics to real world situations. In particular, this book shows how descriptive statistics, probability, statistical distributions, statistical inference, regression methods, and statistical decision theory can be used to analyze individual stock price, stock index, stock rate of return, market rate of return, and decision making. In addition, this book also shows how time-series analysis and the statistical decision theory method can be used to analyze accounting and financial data. In this fully-revised edition, the real world examples have been reconfigured and sections have been edited for better understanding of the topics.

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