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Profit Through Change - What's Next?

Written By Barriger,Manny and Eberle,Karl
2017, Edition 1
Category: Business
Level: Advanced

United States of America
URL: http://www.amazon.com

About This Book

The key to success is your ability to adapt and improve through effective change. If you are not satisfied with your company performance, then change is not only in order but also absolutely essential to achieving new heights. A critical step is Senior Leadership internalizing that there is a problem. Complacency is dangerous to the life and longevity of any company or team. When you are not satisfied with your current performance including profits, time to market, creativity, cost structure, and new products – solutions are critical. Trusted outside guidance can assist you with improving your company’s senior leadership effectiveness while increasing profits. Karl Eberle and Manny Barriger have combined their experience to assist those at the top — to develop the best approach to, direction for, and strategy by implementing effective change from the top down. Learn how to identify issues and implement solutions that mesh with your company’s ability to deal with change.

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