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Statistics for Management and Economics

Written By Keller, Gerald
2015, Edition 10
Category: Business
Level: Introductory

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About This Book

STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS, Tenth Edition, demonstrates how vital statistical methods are for today’s managers and economists--and teaches students how to apply these tools to real business problems. Through the author’s unique three-step "ICI" approach to problem solving, students learn to IDENTIFY the correct statistical technique by focusing on the problem objective and data type, then COMPUTE the statistics, and ultimately INTERPRET results in the context of the problem. This approach enhances student comprehension and skills while offering you maximum flexibility. Incorporating various functional areas of business, data-driven examples, exercises, and cases demonstrate statistical applications used by marketing managers, financial analysts, accountants, economists, and others, giving students the hands-on practice they need, while sound pedagogical elements make the material accessible to undergrads.

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