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Youth Risk Behavior Survey with Student Guide for Statistical Analysis in EXCEL

Written By Banis, Robert
2003, Edition 1
Category: Business
Level: Introductory

Science Humanities Press
PO Box 7151
Saint Louis, Missouri 63006-7151
United States of America
URL: http://www.banis-associates.com/books/
Phone: 636-394-4950
E-mail: banis@humanitiespress.com

About This Book

Intended as a workbook for use in beginning to intermediate level statistics courses in Business and Social Sciences to introduce students to independent exploration of publicly available databases on current issues. Includes a guide to the survey data available on the web, Summary analyses from the CDC and detailed instruction for Independent Analysis using standard statistical software such as EXCEL and MINITAB. The YRBSS survey consists of about 15,000 records with responses to about 100 questions on risky behavior of highschool youths in areas such as nutrition, exercise, drugs, weapons, violence, safety and sex. The detailed instruction includes step-by-step screen shots, and access to videotutorials online at the publisher's websites. The goal is to imbue students with interest and confidence to use typical statistical software to independently explore moderately-sized databases on current issues.

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