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Statistical Data Analysis for Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

Written By Thiebaux, H. Jean
1994, Edition 1
Category: Earth Sciences
Level: Introductory

Elsevier Publishing
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Saint Louis, Missouri 63146
United States of America
URL: http://www.elsevier.com
Phone: 1-800-545-2522

About This Book

Studies of local and global phenomena generate descriptions which require statistical analysis. In this text, H. Jean Thiebaux presents a succinct yet comprehensive review of the fundamentals of statistics as they pertain to studies in oceanic and atmospheric sciences. The text includes an accompanying disk with compatible Minitab sample data. Together, this volume and the included data provide insights into the basics of statistical inference, data analysis, and distributional models of variability. Oceanographers, meteorologists, marine biologists, and other environmental scientists will find this book of great value as a statistical tool for their continuing studies.

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