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How to Lead a Multi-Kaizen Event

Written By Gaa, Peter
2016, Edition 1
Category: Six Sigma
Level: Intermediate

United States of America
URL: http://www.amazon.com

About This Book

A how-to manual for people who need to organize and lead the kind of process improvement events known as multi-kaizens for the various processes inside the end to end (E2E) organization. Describes in detail what to do before, during, and after the event to ensure success leading a multi-kaizen. Because multi-kaizens involve improving multiple processes simultaneously within a department, they have proven more effective than their single process kaizens due to: 1. Verifying problems across or between processes in an E2E system 2. Exposing all root causes of issues within and between processes 3. Avoiding 'squeezing the balloon' or pushing problems from one process to another inside an E2E This ability to connect different parts of an E2E system in a multi-kaizen leads to bigger, more long-lasting improvements than those achieved in single kaizens, including: 1. Improving overall cycle time, quality, cost, and flexibility of the E2E system rather than improving an individual process which might hurt a different process 2. Revealing why and how upstream processes can improve performance in downstream processes which enhances the entire E2E system 3. Giving the workforce a better understanding of the entire E2E system ... not just their own process 4. Improving morale and culture between 'rival' processes or decreasing the 'us vs them' behavior within a company 5. Making sure a process is not harmed by the 'solutions' of another process inside an E2E system 6. Creating a more harmonious workplace by increasing coordination, cooperation, and communication between workers in different processes

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