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Six Sigma Statistics using Minitab 19, Green Belt Edition

Written By Khan, Rehman
2020, Edition 1
Category: Six Sigma
Level: Introductory

United States of America
URL: http://www.amazon.com

About This Book

How do you like to learn? Is it by reading textbooks? Or do you want to learn by doing and seeing the results for yourself? If so, this book is for you as it is written as a teaching guide. The book aims to teach using example-based learning so you can learn data analysis and problem-solving at the Green Belt level. The author recognised that Six Sigma Green and Black belts needed more support to understand the complex statistical techniques used within Six Sigma, but this had to be delivered effectively. In this book, the author uses his experience of industrial process improvement and Minitab training to provide Six Sigma Green Belts with the learning support they need to drive Minitab 19. Key Features of this book are:•Covers all main topics used by Six Sigma Green Belts in easy to understand language. •Improved and updated for Minitab 19.•The main Six Sigma tools are explained. It uses example-based learning with hundreds of screenshots in the book.•Focusses on using the Assistant and includes features such as Sequential DOE and Multiple Regression.•The data sets for the examples and exercises are available to download from www.rmksixsigma.com; along with model answers. •Support Videos are also available from the RMK Six Sigma Youtube channel.•Examples cover both continuous and attribute data where possible.

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