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Statistical Thinking: Improving Business Performance

Written By Hoerl, Roger and Snee, Ron
2002, Edition 1
Category: Six Sigma
Level: Intermediate

Duxbury Press
United States of America
URL: http://www.duxbury.com/statistics_d/

About This Book

Author's note: This innovative book teaches students to understand the strategic value of data and statistics in solving real business problems. Following principles of effective learning identified by educational and behavioral research, the instruction proceeds from tangible examples to abstract theory; from the big picture, or "whole," to details, or "parts"; and from a conceptual understanding to ability to perform specific tasks. While the computer is used for computational details, the authors describe the role of statistical thinking and methods for problem solving and process improvement to encourage use of the tools. Hoerl and Snee also teach skills to improve business processes, including collecting data appropriate for a specified purpose, recognizing limitations in existing data, graphically analyzing data using basic tools, deriving actionable conclusions from data analyses, and understanding the limitations of statistical analyses. In summary, the authors demonstrate that statistical thinking and methodology can help students be more valuable and effective in their chosen careers.

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