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Essentials of Business Statistics

Written By Bowerman, Bruce; O'Connell, Richard; Murphree, Emily and Orris, J.B.
2015, Edition 5
Category: Business
Level: Introductory

McGraw-Hill Higher Education
P.O. Box 182604
Columbus, 43272
United States of America
URL: http://www.mheducation.com/highered/
Phone: 877-833-5524
Fax: 614-759-3759

About This Book

The primary goal of Essentials of Business Statistics is to illustrate an accurate view of business statistics in a way that students can easily understand. New statistical topics and tools are introduced by using continuing case studies. Streamlined and clarified coverage of graphical and numerical methods. New graphically based procedures for finding confidence intervals and performing hypothesis tests. Increased emphasis on Excel and MINITAB with improved and updated step-by-step instructions in the end of chapter material.

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