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Statistics and Probability for Engineers and Statistics

Written By Gupta, Bhisham; Guttman, Irwin and Laflamme, Eric
2013, Edition 1
Category: Engineering
Level: Introductory

John Wiley & Sons Inc.
10475 Crosspoint Blvd.
Indianapolis, New York 46256
United States of America
URL: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/
Phone: 877-762-2974
Fax: 800-597-3299

About This Book

This book features comprehensive guidance on the design of experiments, detailed discussions on sampling distributions, and a clear presentation of nonparametric methods and simple and multiple linear regression methods. Readers will also find clear instructions on how to use the statistical packages Minitab and Microsoft Office Excel to analyze various data sets. This introductory text presents a unique, yet tried-and-true, approach that is ideal for all undergraduate students as well as statistical practitioners who analyze and illustrate real-world data in engineering and the natural sciences.

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