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Quality Management for Organizations Using Lean Six Sigma Techniques

Written By Jones, Erick
2014, Edition 1
Category: Engineering
Level: Advanced

CRC Press
2000 N.W. Corporate Blvd.
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
United States of America
URL: http://crcpress.com
Phone: 800-272-7737

About This Book

The book presents the background on quality and Lean Six Sigma (LSS) techniques and tools, previous history of LSS in manufacturing, and current applications of LSS in operations such as logistics and healthcare. It provides a decision model for choosing whether to use LSS or other quality initiatives, which projects should be selected and prioritized, and what to do with non-LSS projects. The author also details an integration model for integrating and developing integrated LSS and other quality initiatives, and common mathematical techniques that you can use for performing LSS statistical calculations. He describes methods to attain the different Six Sigma certifications, and closes with discussion of future directions of Lean Six Sigma and quality.

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