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Business Statistics and Analytics in Practice

Written By Bowerman, Bruce; Duckworth,William and Froeloch, Amy
2019, Edition 9
Category: Business
Level: Introductory

McGraw-Hill Higher Education
P.O. Box 182604
Columbus, 43272
United States of America
URL: http://www.mheducation.com/highered/
Phone: 877-833-5524
Fax: 614-759-3759

About This Book

A highly reliable, easy-to-use homework and learning management solution that embeds learning science and award-winning adaptive tools to improve student results. - A modern, practical and unique framework for teaching an introductory course in Business Statistics. -  Employs realistic examples, continuing case studies and a business improvement theme to teach the material. - Features more concise and lucid explanations, an improved topic flow and a sensible use of the best and most compelling examples.

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