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Perancangan Eksperimen untuk Teknik Industri: Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasi

Written By Tuan, Yanto
2019, Edition 1
Category: Engineering
Level: Introductory


About This Book

This book entitled “Perancangan Eksperimen untuk Teknik Industri: Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasi” (translated into English: “Experimental Design Book for Industrial Engineering: Basic Concepts and Applications”) specifically discusses the basics and applications of experimental design and analysis in the field of Industrial Engineering. This book presents basic concepts accompanied by many examples of applications that are discussed briefly and systematically with an emphasis on examples of industrial engineering science. This book consists of 8 chapters consisting of introduction to experimental design, single-factor experiment with no restriction on randomization, randomized block experimental design, introduction to factorial experiments, two-factor factorial experiments, 2k factorial experiments, nested-factorial experiments and split-plot factorial experiments.

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