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Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Principles and Applications for Engineering and the Computing Sciences

Written By Milton, Susan and Arnold, Jesse
2003, Edition 4
Category: Engineering
Level: Introductory

McGraw-Hill Higher Education
P.O. Box 182604
Columbus, 43272
United States of America
URL: http://www.mheducation.com/highered/
Phone: 877-833-5524
Fax: 614-759-3759

About This Book

This well-respected text is designed for the first course in probability and statistics taken by students majoring in Engineering and the Computing Sciences. The prerequisite is one year of calculus. The text offers a balanced presentation of applications and theory. The authors take care to develop the theoretical foundations for the statistical methods presented at a level that is accessible to students with only a calculus background. They explore the practical implications of the formal results to problem-solving so students gain an understanding of the logic behind the techniques as well as practice in using them. The examples, exercises, and applications were chosen specifically for students in engineering and computer science and include opportunities for real data analysis.


Student's Solution Manual for Intro to Probability and Statistics

Stewart, M. Jill
McGraw-Hill Higher Education 2002, Edition 4
Category: General Statistics
Level: Advanced

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