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Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis

Written By Montgomery, Douglas; Peck, Elizabeth and Vining, Geoffrey
2012, Edition 5
Category: Engineering
Level: Advanced

John Wiley & Sons Inc.
10475 Crosspoint Blvd.
Indianapolis, New York 46256
United States of America
URL: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/
Phone: 877-762-2974
Fax: 800-597-3299

About This Book

Clearly balancing theory with applications, this book describes both the conventional and less common uses of linear regression in the practical context of today's mathematical and scientific research. Beginning with a general introduction to regression modeling, including typical applications, the book then outlines a host of technical tools that form the linear regression analytical arsenal, including: basic inference procedures and introductory aspects of model adequacy checking; how transformations and weighted least squares can be used to resolve problems of model inadequacy; how to deal with influential observations; and polynomial regression models and their variations. The book also includes material on regression models with autocorrelated errors, bootstrapping regression estimates, classification and regression trees, and regression model validation.

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