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Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

Written By Petruccelli, Joseph; Nandram, Balgobin and Chen, Minghui
1999, Edition 1
Category: Engineering
Level: Introductory

Prentice-Hall Publishing Inc.
U.S. Highway 9W
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
United States of America
URL: http://vig.prenhall.com/
Phone: 800-223-1360

About This Book

This text grew out of a three-year curriculum development project funded by the National Science Foundation. It has been used successfully at the authors' school for the past five years. The overarching goal of this project is to create a cohesive set of teaching and learning material—including text, projects, labs, and web-based material that reinforce each other to form an integrated classroom curriculum that will meet the needs of future engineers and scientists. Salient features of this project include: greater emphasis on collected data using designed studies; emphasis on processes, in particular, the notion of process stability; early emphasis on identifying sources of variablility through tools such as stratified plots and on formulas and hand circulation. Other characteristics are reduced coverage of the mathematics of probability and statistics, a focus on teamwork and cooperative learning through applications in the text, exercise labs, and projects that are geared to engineering and science experience.

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